Copy discount Code:



Built With Oxyblock 02

Used Pieces: Header #01
Global Styles
* Reference Image

Video / BWO 02

Import / Settings

To get started, choose the framework you are using and then copy the code or download the file to export the style settings.
This is premium piece. You need to have an active subscription to be able to copy this piece. Check our plans here.

Global Styles / Settings

This setting is entirely optional, but by choosing to use it, you will experience a marked improvement in your viewing experience.
This is premium piece. You need to have an active subscription to be able to copy this piece. Check our plans here.

Pieces / Copy & Paste

When you click on the framework you are using, the generated JSON code will be copied automatically. To import the piece, make sure you have Oxygen Builder v4.1+ installed.
This is a premium piece. You need to have an active subscription to be able to copy this piece. Check our plans here.